Born and raised in Sudbury, Bro. David and Sis. Shannon have been married since 2006 and have been involved in serving at the Sudbury UPC since they were teenagers. They’ve been involved in various departments such as kitchen help, cleaning, youth group, dramas, evangelism and teaching Bible studies. Bro. David, who has attended Sudbury UPC since he was born, is involved in music ministry by playing drums and leading song service, in prayer and he also preaches regularly. A licenced minister, he teaches Sunday school weekly and is involved in house church (small groups). As an HVAC service technician, God has used his career to bless the church and the UPC Ontario District. Sis. Shannon is also involved in music ministry and plays the piano and sings. She serves as the Sunday school director and enjoys getting to know the students, having fun and is blessed to teach the children about Jesus. She also leads a weekly house church group. As a Registered Nurse, God uses her to bless and minister to others. Bro. David and Sis. Shannon are honoured to serve the church of their childhood, Sudbury UPC.